When somebody outside of your local area network tries to join your server, they will get the 'failed after 4 retries' message. The server seems to run, and you are able to join, but the server is not yet publicly visible. And you can put in some different console commands which you want to be 'autoexecuted'Note that this is just an example to show you how a proper config file looks like syntactically. 'sbox_playershurtplayers'-'1' //Enables PVP Damage 'hostname'-'My Garry's Mod Sandbox Server' Replace the lines with blank spaces, or press 'TAB' around 6 times to make a big space. The lines are used to make big spaces, since using blank spaces does not work in Steam. This file is located here: drive name:/Program Files(x86)/yourfilepath/blah/steamcmd/garrysmod/cfgĪn example of a server.cfg file would look like this: This file is used to set the Sandbox limits, and to set all console commands that are getting automatically executed when the server is booting up. Now, we have to configure it, to make it work properly and to keep things organized.įirst thing you should do, is to configure the server.cfg file.